Latest Boxing News: Big Baby Jarrell Miller failed the VADA tests on 3 PED's, GW1616, EPO & HGH. Here is a brief summary of what they are and the risks by taking them.
A disclaimer though, what I am telling you about these 3 substances is a brief overview from looking at Wikipedia, so I am in no way an expert on these PED's. #JoshuaMiller #JarrellMiller #AnthonyJoshua
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Source article for GW1516:
Source article for EPO:
Source article for HGH:

Miller should never step foot in a boxing ring ever again
ReplyDeleteThis is very normal dude.,and gw1516 dont gives you cancer. Done it a 100 of times
ReplyDeleteAs far as information on GW...This is so ignorant. Please educate yourself on PEDs before you put information out for others.
ReplyDeleteHe be paying rent now. Idiot
ReplyDeletelooooooooooooooool miller really hated joshua... he wanted to kill him
ReplyDeleteBig baby piller
ReplyDeletethe picture of millers face while you show the peds he was on is priceless 🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteTook all of that and still looked like shit.
ReplyDeletethe boxing public Should boycott boxing in general until the Authority Clean up the Sport
ReplyDeletethis as been going on for far too long, I'm a fan who will not buy another pay-per-view
Until they clean up this sport,
one fighter shouldn't have an unfair advantage, by depending on performance enhancing
Drugs, we want to see fights where two fighters are evenly matched up, people Can get killed
in the Ring, it's no wonder he was so hype up when they face off in New York, he had no
Confidence in his own ability to face Joshua and beat him Cleanly,
Big ''Baby'' mouth is bigger than his Ass and his brains, Just a few months earlier he was
accusing AJ of using performance enhancing drugs, without any Evidence, while all the
time he was Guilty of doing the Same thing, he has proven to be a Supreme Idiot, if we
never see him in boxing again, it won't be too soon,
So Anthony not on peds now😳😳
ReplyDeleteAfter seeing the long term damage of what this sport can bring i.e. Michael Watson and many others, He should never be aloud to box again. He premeditated to, if not kill, severely damage AJ...
ReplyDeleteWhat a looser..
This dude is a looser..
The saying is, " The empty barrel makes the loudest noise"...
As usual @SportIcons, another factual, clear and concise video..
Thanks 👍🏾
Should be banned from boxing and sport for life. A thug.
ReplyDeleteMiller is a cheat,,it’s obvious he would get found out and he knows this.Leads to ask the question why did he do it🤔🤔
ReplyDeleteVery common amongst pro cyclists EPO ie Lance Armstrong. Very dangerous to use as a lot of athletes would die in their sleep as it drops your HR to dangerous levels! So what some cyclist would do is connect a monitor up to an alarm whilst asleep then would trigger when the HR dropped to a certain level. Then they would get on a stationary bike bed side to keep to HR up. Massive endurance gains would come from EPO and definitely would explain Millers workrate considering how big he is, due to the amount of red cells in his muscle carrying oxygen!
ReplyDeleteAmericans are crazy about steroids
ReplyDeleteBaby Miller is a fraud,the guy has no regard for his live neither the lives of others.Simple as that.
ReplyDeleteSo Jarell Miller was going to give Anthony Joshua cancer?! WTF is this idiot even talking about. Technically, these substances arent even steroids but "naturally" nobody cares. If you have to sensationalize the truth then something is up. Before you know it Gatorade will be banned in a min...
ReplyDeleteerkan teper got caught with 9 peds in his system
ReplyDeleteWOW - thanks for the research. May be a good thing for him he got caught.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock of shit ! Do some real research mate ! Gw1516 is serious shit a lot more serious than your daft attempt.
ReplyDeleteGeez..this does not sound good. At all.
ReplyDeleteThis guy keeps going forward in his fights. All the fights he has won should be taken away from him as a loss or disqualification......his been taking these for a long time I think
ReplyDeleteHe was going to become the hulk. OMG. Joshua could have died in there. Miller should be ban for 4 Years
ReplyDeleteEven if he lost , he would still have been very rich. Now he leaves with nothing. Goodbye.
ReplyDeleteSmithklein and beetchams found GW15.16 Cardarine only accelerated cancer cells when the rats were given 50 X the human dosage over a long period of time.
ReplyDeleteBefore they upped the dosage in rats it was found to be shrinking tumors and also had the added benefit of making your body use fat instead of carbs for energy and that's how it ups your endurance.
Cardarine is legal to buy in the UK where it's classed as a sarm but it's not actually a sarm in inbetween a sarm and a pro hormone.
It's an excellent endurance booster if you use on a small cycle so for boxers it would be amazing but very dangerous to fight againt somebody jacked up on this as it would give that boxer a massive endurance boost.
Wow jarell Escobar miller
ReplyDeleteMore drugs than escobar
ReplyDeleteWhat has boxing became now?
ReplyDeleteblood dopeing the best option for boxers' not detectable same ass epo with preformance
ReplyDeleteHe a bum belongs in a circus cause he’s a clown. It’s always the one’s that bark the loudest that has no bite.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder JM box like a Tank!!! 😂
ReplyDeleteBig baby hoping to roid rage himself into the twelfth, wouldn’t be surprised if he planned on popping Viagra before the fight to help him really fuck AJ up!
ReplyDeleteHGH has to be injected also, doesn't work otherwise
ReplyDeleteYo bro do some research before making a video about this stuff honestly
ReplyDeleteWhat people will do for Money potentially lose his LIFE Cant take it with you !!
ReplyDeleteI dont understand why someone would do this knowing they have to get tested and will fail... is it simply that they are so dumb ?..surley not if they are a professional athelete?...or plain and simple looking for a way out and too scared.... i cant understnd it.
ReplyDeleteCarpol tunnel syndrome is to do with your hand/wrist joints
ReplyDeleteAJ still would have beat this donkeys head in
ReplyDeleteAJ would have still Ko’d the bum