The Truth About Chinese HGH

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
Here is a video I had intended on only putting on Patreon but decided belonged here on you tube as well.
I this video Brasi, Nathan and Myself discuss generic HGH coming out of china and talk about its authenticity. We also talk about REAL HGH in china and the reality of Export Only manufactures.
Here is a video by a fellow coach named Matt Porter who has a very different opinion on the matter. Don't leave any HATE on his page. He is a person who rationaly discusses topics and should be respected as such.
Here is another video I made on the topic:
Later on is this conversation we also talked about:
- Ghosted By a Coach: Part One
- Ghosted By a Coach: Part Two
- Delusions in Bodybuilding
...and several other topics thrown in. The rest of this conversation will be posted on the Patreon which you can find link to below:
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The Truth About Chinese HGH

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
wow you guys are ugly incels
ReplyDeleteNot true!!!!!!! This is a lie!! China hgh is so goood!! Try it do not listen to these guys allibaba!!!💪😉
ReplyDeleteHigh is impossible to get a prescription for . The Chinese company’s know that . They know there is a huge demand to be underground . Just like Pablo Escobar and all the other illegal drug dealers . Dose not mean it’s fake . This guys just mad because nobody is buying his stuff
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty much a B.S video. I’ve done the blood work after taking growth hormone from China and the results spoke for themselves. This video is purely anecdotal and an opinion of one slightly arrogant guy using this as a marketing spin for himself.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Great information.
ReplyDeleteIm sure theres a quality difference, but I hate to hear people rag on my chinese HGH cuz I can in no way afford pharma grade hgh. and I get decent benefits from even small amount of my chinese hgh
ReplyDeleteSerum levels can be increased by Numerous peptides. it's not necessarily proof of GH. Also, Don't forget the additives. You have no idea whats in there, ie Mercury etc...
ReplyDeleteHow can u believe a poor indian guys about medicine knowledge, where in india thousands of lives died from indian medicine every year. And this indian guy is also aming at chasing for a better life coming to China. First tier medicine company always base on West EU, US and Japan, Second comes from China.. And HGH is considered not good for health. So most east asian countries have strict regulations on these usage of such kind of medicine, Such as Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. On contrast, India and some poor asian countries, they allow such medicine there cause the governments even don't care about the lives of their countries.
ReplyDeleteI am also in China. Can I please have the contact info of the Indian guy who is also living here? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion pharmacy grade is the best hands down . I use omnitrope 5.8 mg vials and with 2iu the results are amazing. It’s best if you go to Canada for cheaper hgh.
ReplyDeleteNever used gh before because it's hard to find and I never trusted ugls selling it. I did use ghrp-6 and cjc with 20-30ius of Novilin R a day and put on 15 pounds and got leaner when I stalled out on cycle. Got to 280; I would almost rather use peptides untill I can affored pharma gh rather than 'generics'.
ReplyDeleteI've had people tell me some AIDs patients are willing to sell their gh for a much better price.
ReplyDeleteAmeen what's your opinion on potassium bicarbonate ?
ReplyDeleteThis guy has no idea what he speaks of
ReplyDelete5 pounds of water in his face, eyeliner, fuckboy haircut, zero muscle mass.. ok listening bro lmao
ReplyDeleteOk so where in the hell do we get real HGH legitimately
ReplyDeleteThe Genheal - ie - posted in the picture insert in the video is ,itself a counterfeit product! Totally undermines the credibility of all concerned.
ReplyDeletethe Chinese generic gh tends to have a high "dimmer" content when tested even though it may test 98% gh the dimmer affects the bioavailability of the chemical meaning the body cant use all of it....its thought that the high dimmer is because of human error.....lab conditions/heat exposure etc....but i have seen and used chinese generics that were not only 99% pure but also had low dimmer
ReplyDeleteHello Ameen. Interesting content as usual. My doctor prescribes me 2iu SciTropin A nightly. He recommends a 6 on 1 off rule to avoid shutting down my own production. ie. 6 days on 1 day off. 6 weeks on 1 week off. And finally, 6 months on 1 month off. What is your opinion on this dosing protocol? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to mention the price I pay for it on here. I get a single 5mg 1.5ml (15iu) cartridge at a time. Considering travel or import if a possibility for cost issues. Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteReverse the question. Why aren't these legit brands on the black market? Why those companies don't flood the black market with it and make a ton of money? They have all the permits, they have the manufacturing facilities.. Who buys more GH? Kids with stunned growth or bodybuilders? Who is better customer for them? It is the bodybuilders, no doubt about it. They probably buy 100 times more GH then those who have a legit need for the product. So why don't they sell it to them? Because they would go to jail! It is that simple. They can't sell to black market, it is a crime in China as it is a crime in the US. So if they want to sell to a black market, they sell those generics, or those made up brands which are not traceable back to them. The official market is not interesting. The black market is where the money is made, and for the black market you don't need to go through any expensive bureaucracy. And again, you can't put your real brand on it otherwise it will be traced back to you and you go jail. That is why they won't sell in China.
ReplyDeleteWho is this guy?
ReplyDeleteGreat video and so many people say they have a source for real
ReplyDeleteBomb Ass info gotta make them gains son
ReplyDeleteI knew it, how the hell is a company like Genentech making HGH, but some underground lab is making GH? Lmao, I’ll pass,
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit many blood test have been done to prove some of the chinese hgh is real
ReplyDeleteTo be continued.... subbed!!!
ReplyDeleteI used three kits of the genheal. The one from China with the white label from the hospital and the same ones in this video before my supplier said he could no longer obtain them due to crackdowns. They serum GH and IGF test were excellent on them, but actually slightly lower than the other Chinese generic I was testing. Going through the three kits, they were great but to be honest I didn't see any noticeable difference between them and the generics and the blood work showed this as well.
ReplyDeleteMuch respect, this is the best info on social media!
ReplyDeleteHey Ameen, love your content, knowledge, logic, and philosphies! (I have watched alot of your stuff and I hope i'm not asking a point that you have illustrated in a previous video or interview but there is one thing i'm curious about is:
ReplyDeleteIf most bodybuilders/competitors etc are taking the UGL growth (which for sure they are) and pretty much all of its fake (which I will agree with you about, that is probably is), and lastly probably most of these guys are also taking insulin along with this because its their protocol (and they are going to assume they are taking growth but its prolly not growth cuz its from a UGL)... these guys are still getting pretty huge.
So i guess the logic following form my question is: is an anabolic and insulin cycle effective? (we assume that those are the two things that they are taking that are actually real)? I hear many school of thought that it really isn't and slin should really only be used in combination with GH (and also gear).
Also, could this be a factor in the reason that many bodybuilders dont have the physiques like they did in the 90's? Its a slin and anabolic cycle only, there is no real growth that people were able to obtain a few decades ago? (Another factor coupled with your points you have made that people are growing too fast, inslin use is being abused, muscle is building too fast on a body and it doesnt acheive the striated hard look that the levrones and yates used to be able to acheive.
There's very good ugl hgh out there.
ReplyDeleteIt's crazy people don't know this.
It's also crazy people say shit like "Yellow top is better than blue top" etc.
Go on eBay right now and find yourself any color from the rainbow top that anybody could buy and use to top their product.
I can get raw hgh powder and use whatever color you think is the "worst" and it doesn't matter at all.
Have some of you really looked into how gear is made etc?
I just seen a Nick Trigili and Ali interview where neither of them knew the color of gear comes from the carrier oil not the strength etc. That's basic shit. You can have clear Tren that's stronger than anything else around.
Thats my boy there Brasi