Pushups to Failure For HGH & Testosterone Release

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
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These pushups are done "extra slow" to engage the cross-bridges between the muscles and maximize time under tensions (TUT). The purpose of these push ups as well as the other extra exercises I demonstrate on my channel is to go to complete FAILURE in order to stimulate maximum hormone release (e.g. human growth hormone, testosterone, etc.)
These pushups should be done in combination with the extra slow lunges and squats all in one workout, no more than once a week!
1. Place your hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulder width apart
2. Turn your arms in slightly like you're trying to grip an apple under each of your armpits. This is an important detail...
3. Place your legs together or slightly apart
4. Go down as slowly as you can, tensing all your muscles. Pretend like you're pulling yourself to the ground rather than dropping.
5. Push back up and pretend like you're pushing up "through your armpits" NOT your shoulders.
6. Do this until you can't possibly do any more. At this point you'll stop moving. While you're paused in this static position, keep pushing for about 5 more seconds even though you're not going anywhere.
If you do this correctly, you will collapse in utter exhaustion. Combined with the extra slow lunges and squats, you have one of the most effective bodyweight exercise protocols known to man. This results in a MASSIVE hormone release. You will be tired as hell after the workout and sore as hell the next day. Then you'll be horny as hell from all the testosterone that got released.
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Pushups to Failure For HGH & Testosterone Release

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
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