Lifting Weights on HGH and/or Testosterone

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
#Lifting #weights is different when you're taking #HGH and/or #Testosterone. You don't have to follow the same guidelines as a "normal" person of your age. After countless combinations and trials, this is what I've found that works best for me.
#nutrition #fitness
Lifting Weights on HGH and/or Testosterone

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
I LOVE testosterone. 100% increase in quality of life.
ReplyDeleteSpot on regarding tendons and test. Going through a quad tendon rupture as we speak. Now almost 3 weeks post op.
ReplyDeleteGreat video!!
ReplyDeleteTry chest, shoulders., try’ day. Back, bys. Next Day lags. Repeat. Then off one day.. I’m 68 seam to be working well. On trt ,and hgh. First month in. I will give a full report next month . Liven like a Viking.
ReplyDeleteHave u notice ur hat size getting bigger at all?
ReplyDeleteI found that I can lift 3-4 days a wk with rest days or cardio only on in between days of lifting,can only do bodyweight leg work due having herniated discs in my lower back,so do what you can
ReplyDeleteI'm 55 I take 200 hrt a week. I lift everyday I stay at the gym 1.5 or 2 hours a day. I have none of the issues you have. I started in the gym at 12 when from boxing and track and field then football high school college then the Marines. I am lucky to have the genetics that I have. I was 220 @ 6ft. Now I weigh 205 I'm only on test no HGH. My body still looks like it did in college only smaller.
ReplyDeleteSam do you have a good tan or is your face a little red, by the way I'm now with viking 💪🤜🤛
ReplyDeleteI just started using mk 677 with test and it’s making my blood sugar high so I have cut sugar and carbs and that’s helping. I’m 49 and feel better than I have in years but I do have to be careful. Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteHow close to failure you usually approximately?
ReplyDeleteHow close to failure you go aproximoatly?
ReplyDeleteI do a lot of body weight workouts and i add weight to some of my workouts. Can i keep doing body weight workouts while on HGH and test and gain weight or should i expect to start lifting? I just want to be fast and powerful when it comes to fighting but not have bulky muscles that may hold me back. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteYou da best Sam. I like your videos.
ReplyDeleteI talked to Andre today and got my blood drawn too. I'm looking forward to getting back my health.
Awesome video. I have been inadvertently doing something similar to this. Because of a personal scheduling issue, I have five days every two weeks where I just can't work out. I was very concerned about this at first but when those five days are approaching I go to the gym for two or three days and go very very hard. I can barely move the next day but then I have 5 days to recover. My first day back at the gym I am incredibly strong and my body feels great.
ReplyDeleteIm a genetic freak, don’t need this crap.......yet.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the Vic Tanny clubs
ReplyDeleteHola, can I stack mk677 with Test? Just subbed please help me
ReplyDeleteHey what's wrong with Lifetime gyms? Lol
ReplyDeleteTrt... if your over 35... look into it.. it’s a game changer. Made me the man I am today. 40 going on 18
ReplyDeleteHi there....first off...I cant say how grateful I am for your the your no BS approach and complete transparency....great job.
ReplyDeleteI have reviewed a lot of the supplements you discuss on your channel and am wondering if you have any idea where guys in Canada a person can order domestic performance enhancing supplements?
I have been emailing a guy from Kingsberg medical about TRT but travelling to the US is not in the cards for me any time soon....your opinion is greatly appreciated!
I spend a lot of time back & forth between the steam room & cool pool. Really helps me loosen up & reduce inflammation. Ideally would be an ice bath but you work with what you have.
ReplyDeleteSam, you are totally correct! Muscles can take it at our age, ligaments and tendons cannot. I'm almost 57 and tore my bicep at the shoulder almost 5 weeks ago. Also safe to say, we need to check our egos at the door, speaking about me. I'm not in my 20s any longer. Great video for guys "our age".
ReplyDeleteLooks like u over did the tanning bed
ReplyDeleteI only take my opinion u can do without the test..and i only take it about 4 days a week at about 1iu..i only work out 3 to 4 days a secret is to treadmill 4 miles a day 3 to 4 times a week..i always do one leg day a back day..and one upper body day...i am 62 years old and have a 32 inch waist and weigh 170 belief is you don't need test..just take a day off in between work outs..and a hour on treadmill after each weight workout and u will see huge results
ReplyDeleteSam I have a question, I take 200 mg of test, but by day 9-10 I’m so tired and lack energy, is that normal. Should I ask for 125 mg a week instead, thanks, love your videos
ReplyDeleteYou should train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you would be a BEAST!
ReplyDeleteAnother awesome video
ReplyDeleteHi ..what dose test you using per week out of curiosity cheers ..i run 375 pw at ..45 and feel great
ReplyDeleteThanks for your time and testimony appreciate it
ReplyDeleteThat Hgh will make your joints and tendons like you are 20yo after about six months. And your testosterone will do the muscles. At least that was my experience. And you are right to say ypu have to be careful when you are older. Especially when you are using Yesterday and not HGH...
ReplyDeleteWhen I was working out, I found every other day worked for me. I'd work chest and tris, rest, bis and traps, rest, legs and cardio. I made the most gains from that as oppose to everyday. I'm 44 and at my peak I was 42. I'm trying to find motivation you get back in the gym. I really miss being big and muscular.
ReplyDelete58 years old broken shoulder’s broken neck broken back broken knee broken ankle broken foot !
ReplyDeleteIf you’re going to do something a little extra special you need to ramp up to it you don’t just go attack it all at once you work your way up to it you do it one time you let your body recover make sure that your joints are lubricated
A few weeks ago I did 700 push-ups in one day the next week I rested and the week after that I pulled rows 30,000 pounds in 50 minutes
Yeah my back didn’t like it my shoulders hurt but still able to do it but today I’m going for 4 mile hike and I feel fine
Deca lubricate your joints and so dose HGH the very important and HGH results and strengthens tendons they’re both equally has important
ReplyDeleteI can still lift an hour to an hour and a half every day I take two days off a week sometimes I take a little time off just because there’s other things to do in life I’m taking a lot of time off right now I still do some exercises at home but I’m getting ready need to another country so I just can’t go to the gym all the time
Can I suggest that you don’t do those sets on your leg days after your legs and get a rubber band for your joints and tendons and start pulling that rubber band I promise you’ll feel a difference in your joints and tendons will feel better I’ve had the pleasure of working with world class athletes give it a try please
ReplyDeleteKnow is commented on a few videos now. Just found your channel yesterday. I like your straight forward approach as well as the cautionary suggestions you put out. I’ll be 56 next week. Been training for about 40 years too. I like your PPL with one on one off approach. I have a hard time with push days cause I feel like after chest my Delts/tris don’t get the same amount of focus. About like hams after quads. I’ve mitigated the leg thing by alternating starting with hams one day and quads the next leg day. So my split is a push/pull/off/push/Legs/off push #1 is chest abs, push#2 is Delts/tris
ReplyDeletei never noticed much difference when i got on testosterone
ReplyDeleteHow's libido?
ReplyDeleteCan u guide me how to start. At What age should we start High?
ReplyDeleteCompared with your first video, your slimmer now, got less grey hair and your face looks more toned and you have less wrinkles. Love to follow your journey, very interesting and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!💚
ReplyDeleteIs this expensive and is it available in California
ReplyDeleteGood video! I will be getting HGH soon. When I do I may have some questions for you. Just subscribed.
ReplyDeleteTo me it sounds like every middle aged man in the US. Just can go to a TRT or anti-aging clinic and say , i want TRT, is there no such thing as state regulation ? I know from reading that guys who wants the health insurrance to pay needs a Test level lower than a certain level, but is it available for everyone if they pay themselves ??, i live in Denmark, if i asked my doc for TRT or HGH , he would look at me as if i was asking for heroin and meth 😆😆 (i dont think that i got particulary low test level , gaining muscle, lifting heavy , not bad libido , but of course not as a 25 year old 🤣)
ReplyDeleteThe downside of this is that an increasing number of middleaged guys in my country, do it on their own without any bloodwork done (we dont have easy access to bloodwork labs, it al goes through the doc)
Really great with your channel, great to learn from your experience, just what i needed, the fitness issues in most youtube channels are about young males, keep up the good work.
When you take HGH it helps you to lose weight so therefore along with the type testosterone is supposed to give you strength but then again I guess it's different for each person I myself used to bodybuild but everything starts to slow down
ReplyDeleteWhat area of expertise do you work in or used to work in ?