HGH Supplements: HYPE Or Legit?

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
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Growth Hormone (GH) supplements have been around forever, and have made a recent come back. Are they legit? Do they increase muscle mass or reduce body fat as claimed? I cover these supplements in this vid!
Human Growth Hormone: The Mother Of Over-Hyped Hormones
If there's one over hyped misunderstood hormone out there, it's human growth hormone (HGH). It's constantly pushed as the mother of all anabolic hormones and mentioned in virtually every supplement add and every news story about athletes of all kind.
Readers of my ebooks and articles know I can consider it highly overrated in terms of what it can do for building muscle or improving athletic performance. GH has greater effects as a hormone that can improve recoup vs. directly impact performance per se, can have uses healing connective tissue injuries, and when combined with other hormones/drugs, appears to have synergism, although data is lacking there.
In terms of it's ability to directly impact athletic performance, an extensive review of the literature recently published entitled "Systematic review: the effects of growth hormone on athletic performance" (1) essentially came to the same conclusions as I have. The authors specifically evaluated evidence about the effects of growth hormone on athletic performance in physically fit, young individuals, so they were not looking at studies in GH deficient populations (e.g., older populations, etc.) which usually find benefits of using this hormone.
The authors reviewed a pile of studies which met a their inclusion criteria of randomized, controlled trials that "compared growth hormone treatment with no growth hormone treatment in community-dwelling healthy participants between 13 and 45 years of age."
What they found after reviewing all these studies, was that on average, "lean body mass increased in growth hormone recipients compared with participants who did not receive growth hormone." However, that increase in LBM only averaged 2.1 kg, or 4.62lbs. Not exactly impressive gains in LBM, considering what HGH costs or compared to even what a supplement like creatine can achieve!
HGH Supplements: HYPE Or Legit?

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
very true. you can only go so far with body weight exercises. even witth weighted vests and chains.
ReplyDeleteYou think? In the UK there's a guy called Charles Bronson. Spent half his life in prison. Much of which was in solitary. He's built. Just bodyweight exercises.
ReplyDeleteI just fast, lift heavy, wait an hour , feast, nap. Natural hgh production.
ReplyDeleteThank You, for the truth !
ReplyDeleteDon’t worry, someone always shows up to tell me what amazing effects they had from some GH booster because the marketing of the product told them that’s what would happen and they are immune to the placebo effect ...
ReplyDeleteWhat about GH peptides?
ReplyDeleteIf you have been trying to burn fat quickly, you should do a google search Cosmos Fat Loss. They can help you get the body you deserve.
ReplyDeleteWill they make you taller? Or can they?
ReplyDeleteMore or less, but of course that's not the main point of the vid per se.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Sprinters, ice skaters, and indoor bikers often have HUGE legs, because they spend a lot of time under heavy ass weight in a squat rack. I know O level people in all those sports, and I assure you, they got the legs from hitting the heavy weights per their trainers and coaches recs.
ReplyDeleteYou don't tell me it comes 100% from weight lifting though. for instance, 30-40 years ago weightlifting was hardly used in many sports, in fact is way looked down upon by many sporters. Back in those days it was already apparent that sprinting, ice skating and indoor biking built visible leg mass, at least in the upper legs. My point is, with enough intensity, volume and time under tension, hypertrophy can occur, whether it's bodyweight or with added resistance.
ReplyDeleteNot saying it's the most time efficient way if hypertrophy is your main goal, but it will occur with the right parameters (which are often good enough in many forms of HIIT).
ReplyDeletethose athletes of 40 years ago looked nothing like they do today, and the major reason for the legs and broken records is the addition of resistance training and of course various drugs, as well as greatly improved knowledge of training and nutrition. I have worked around and with O level TnF athletes. Anyone else here who can make that claim, raise your hand....yes, HIIT style training can increase LBM, but it can't and wont equal what resistance training can no matter the time frames.
ReplyDeleteThank you Will :)
ReplyDeleteAgain, I didn't say HIIT was superior for hypertrophy persé, but your initial claim was that with bodyweight exercises "don't expect grow much muscle if that's your goal." It's just not the case. "Less efficient at hypertrophy" does not equal "no hypertrophy".
ReplyDeletePullups are also a bodyweight exercise, but with the right parameters you can surely cause hypertrophy. Same with HIIT. Might not be the most efficient way, but with the right parameters, it will occur.
And it will never occur to the extent of proper resistance training protocols regardless of time, hence why you will see no big muscular guys who do BW as their only form of exercise.
ReplyDeleteBW training is always limited to the amount of actual resistance one can deliver in a unit of time, so one can only add volume vs resistance which does not allow all fiber types worked, etc, Again, why there's no big muscular guys who do BW as their only form of exercise period.
Gymnasts only do very stenuous bodyweight exercises and many have impressive bodies (and yes I know they're short and fill out easier). It takes years but they most definitely do no weight training.
ReplyDeleteOne can get a good workout with BW but don't expect grow much muscle if that's your goal. Just depends on the goals.
ReplyDeleteGreat vid. I've found the same from the few studies I've read about HGH. If even synthetic HGH is not that effective, the chance of herbal boosters etc. to do anything is most likely minimal.
ReplyDeleteThe same counts for I'd say 99% of legal T-boosters. They may increase T by a couple tens of percents, but you need a huge 150-300% increase (that's 2.5 to 4 times your normal T levels) to see an significant anabolic effect. I've wasted so much money in the stuff for just a few lbs of temporary bloat.
I know people that've built a good chest by doing 100+ pushups a day. Certainly went slower than regular bodybuilding parameters but the results were definately visible after a couple years. Many runners, bikers (sportsmen in general) etc. also in amateur leagues, have built their legs up with countless reps at moderate intensity. Sprinters, ice skaters, and indoor bikers often have HUGE legs, also at amateur levels at young age, where weight training is not in the training routine.
ReplyDeleteSure you use skates or a bike, but you mostly propell yourself forward -> bodyweight. Indoor olympic teams have bikers with bigger legs than today's bodybuilders. You don't tell me that comes from some squats and lunges :) Most likely from the absolutely insane acceleration and tempo's they bike with indoor. They're basically doing ultra explosive short leg press on their bike. As long as the intensity+volume+time under tension is high enough (granted diet+rest etc) hypertrophy can occur.
ReplyDeleteYou've done an item on HIIT yourself where it was proven some forms of HIIT even caused more hypertrophy than regular hypertrophy specific training. I'm sure that included some form of bodyweight exercises.
ReplyDeletewhat is your opinion on intermittent fasting and the natural increase of growth hormone associated with it?...cuz there are claims that it could raise gh upto 2000% in men...
ReplyDeleteDorian Yates said external source HGH by itself was pointless, but when mixed with steroids it becomes very powerful. I am assuming this is your thoughts as well based on this video?
ReplyDeleteYou need more views man.
ReplyDeleteShare 'till it hurts bro! :)
ReplyDeletedon't bother if your going to use chemicals to enhance performance use tried tested classic steroids :)
ReplyDeleteWill, any thoughts on Bodyweight exercises? Mark Lauren for example..
ReplyDeleteThanks! Great channel!!