HGH Side Effects: The Scary Truth About Human Growth Hormone

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Learn about the side effects associated with human growth hormone consumption. Human growth hormone is a very dangerous anabolic drug and should not be consumed until you know the facts and dangerous side effects associated with it.
While many pro bodybuilders have been able to build muscle and lose body fat by supplementing human growth hormone - what is usually not mentioned are the horrible side effects and potentially life changing alterations these bodybuilders face.
HGH Side Effects: The Scary Truth About Human Growth Hormone
3:38 - Your Body May Stop Producing It Naturally.
One of the most serious side effects associated with human growth hormone consumption is that if you abuse it for too long your run the risk of your body not producing it naturally.
This becomes a really serious issue when you are forced to cycle off of human growth hormone. It is evident that at some point you will have to stop taking HGH - and this is when things can start to really go wrong. Listen to Troy in the video to find out more about this very serious side effect.
4:32 - Mental Addiction.
Regardless of what drug you are taking, you run the risk of mental addiction. Mental addiction to anabolic hormones like HGH have very serious and life threatening side effects and this should not be taken lightly.
Physical Changes.
Roid gut anyone? Consumption of human growth hormone can have some really gross side effects like water retention in the abdomen and making your jaw more prominent. These are permanent and serious physical changes.
5:28 - Growth Of Cancerous Tumors
Human Growth hormone does not "spot build" just your biceps and pectoral muscles. It will accelerate growth of anything present in your body. This includes cancer cells and tumors. If these are present in your body when you take HGH you can literally kill yourself and speed up the growth of these cells.
Read the full article on Weight Gain Network:
HGH Side Effects: The Scary Truth About Human Growth Hormone

I only took HGH 50% of the time. Now half my body is large and the other half is regular size.....if you believe me or this guy you’ll believe anything.
ReplyDeleteYou are not being very clinical and specific about the side effects. You do not sound very informed. Your presentation is too vague and lacks precision.
ReplyDeleteHa ha bullshit. Stick to sitting on your sofa
ReplyDeleteThis guy blows dogs for quarters!
ReplyDeleteThis is a perfect example of stupid people on the web talking about something they have never touched. HGH does not work like that and your body wil NOT stop producing HGH if you are injecting some extra your selves. It is not an anabol and it doesn't infuelnce your hormone levels Like testosteron ect..
ReplyDeleteAlso one of the real reasons why the current guys in Olympia are about 300 punds is a combination of gears like INSULINE where they work with their blood pressure levels etc. It is mainly insuline and not hgh. So please remove this video from the web, sinse it is not educative at all and don't talk about anything like that anymore a go play some tennis instead, because that how you really look like. YOu have a good one!
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MY HUSBAND has pushed a few cycles of test deca etc back in the day during his early Marine Corps Grunt years Beast fuckin Mode! then the war kicked his ass and left him with GSW's and much more than the recomended dose of shrapnel, he started to look like his dad after a while ..i guess regular but where you could tell he was boss at one point in time.. after he noticed what catches my eye he started going through that whole midlife stage till one of his Marines took him down to tijuana and got going with hgh and sostenen 250 and deca d first thing i noticed was that hes got that fire back in his soul and unfortunately a thirst for younger women .. if your man starts hgh he will cheat on you and he will replace you with a girl that probably was in diapers when he was a senior in high school yeah he looks like a action figure but he also became a total narcissistic nightmare who thinks im only in the picture to give him blow jobs he ssays three blow jobs a day keeps other bitches away. dont use hgh it ruins egos
ReplyDeleteThere are many side effects but the last one makes me completely stop thinking about using HGH. Thanks for good info!
ReplyDeleteIt's like any drug it's fine just don't abuse it
ReplyDeleteYou sir are a fucking moron.
ReplyDeleteHgh therapy enabled me to avoid 2 orthopaedic surgeries, no side effects, no come down and no regrets. Hgh on it's own will not put on any muscle. It will only put muscle on if it is used in high dosage and stacked with massive doses of gear and insulin to activate microscopic satellite cells. It will thicken connective tissue and mineral bone density, this accounts for the weight gain found in clinical studies.
ReplyDeleteLong term use of any pharmaceutical is dangerous. There is probably more danger in taking steroids. Also note that gonodal suppression is far far worse than the minimal pituitary suppression you will experience. This clip is terrible.
WOhhh same likee as amount of dislikes this only happends once in a life time NO 1 RUIN THE BALANCE
ReplyDeleteI can tell by ur intro that ur a fucking deuce bag
ReplyDeleteThe only thing that was helpful is the HGH grows all cells including cancer cells etc, the rest of this vid is a waste of time.
ReplyDeletePopcorn chips and more
ReplyDeleteBruuuuh this video doesn’t fit you, go do a cycle
ReplyDeleteDon’t speak on things you don’t know
ReplyDeleteThe mental part is totally true. I took prohormones in freaking highschool but I felt so energized on it n got so strong n built muscle so fast. When I came off I didnt know anything about PCT, I didnt even know I was using steroids. My body had stopped producing test and I just immediately stopped taking it n it was rough as hell for months. I had an issue w prescription pain pills in the past and I can tell you that addiction is terrible n coming off of pain killers is hell but with the prohormones it lasted for month me trying to get my mind n body right.
ReplyDeleteThis dude is dumb AF
ReplyDeleteare you doctor? then
ReplyDeletestfu peace of shit
Dont inyect hgh, and his biceps says steroids jajajajaja what an asshole
ReplyDeleteNever taken it but I'll tell you all about how bad it is. Next....
ReplyDeleteThis dude looks like he needs to lay off the Botox injections to his face. Everything above his upper lip looks like plastic. And I didn’t know a side effect of HGH is the cost? Lol
ReplyDeleteLike people who take insulin. Their body stops producing its own.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck are you talking about? You don’t get high or a feeling of needing to take this it’s to help your body product hormones at a normal level. I take you got growth hormones confused with steroids. You do t gain weight nor muscle mass from taking a growth hormone Damn you’re dumb.
ReplyDeleteDude, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Good luck 👍
ReplyDeleteThis guy is fucking stupid
ReplyDeleteSo where can I get some ?
ReplyDeleteHe's fucking lost it ... doesn't know the first thing about it ...smh
ReplyDeleteIs HGH legal in uk
ReplyDeleteHow are you qualified to give a review on something you’ve never tried?
ReplyDelete“I’ve never tried tabouli but trust me its terrible” 🤔
Your talking shit. Your body doesn’t produce HGH naturally once your in your twenties. Not sure where you got your information from but it’s wrong!
ReplyDeletehe looks gay as fuck tbh
ReplyDeleteThis guy is an absolute idiot.
ReplyDeleteSomatropin does not stop ur natural high production. So ur wrong lad
ReplyDeleteLike a coin has 2 sides.
ReplyDeleteMarginal vid.
ReplyDeleteTalking about something you have no clue about.