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HGH day 8


  1. wait.. did you say your penis is shrinking???? from what? the hgh? losing weight? both of those things should make it grow IF anything, not shrink..??

  2. Which between Humatrope or Norditropin do you recommend im also trying to lose weight

  3. "even though I say that shit all the time" hahaha

  4. I stopped ur video at 2:18
    No disrespect but u are coming down really negative.

  5. Dude I am struggling at 160 to 165 to 170 at 6'3.. so maybe HGH isn't for me? I need weight bro but don't wanna take riods.. please help..

  6. That's dome good advice dude,IMO ~Gregg~

  7. day 8 and thats it?
    wtf? lol.
    wheres a vid explaining results etc?

  8. PERUVIAN FOOOD!!! 2 thumbs up for that.

  9. How long did you take hgh? Did you ween off? I'm trying it for 3 months.

  10. wtf... so did u or did not heal your injury with hgh??

  11. I did a serostem kit while on a cycle.I started to notice results after 6 weeks.

  12. I thought hgh suppose to make you bigger

  13. How do you know you are losing muscle as well ?

  14. You're cute, you can get away with saying that man. lol

  15. HGH DAY 8, you shouldnt have much to say in that time, recommendations for hgh is 3 to 6 month and it takes time for it to work, and is probably best to stack with test. in some cases its psychological, if you plant a seed in ya head you can believe it. all the best like, but do it for 6 months, with a price tag but then you will see if you get a gain, 2 to 4 IU per day for good results, maximum with safely, anything above is abuse. i'm no pro, just all the stuff i read up on this brand of hgh, not just from one site loads of sites.
