DANGEROUS TRUTH about HGH ( Peptides & Mk 677) Side effects & Results

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
I am not a doctor or nutrition professional, and do not provide medical advice. viewers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in guidance with ...
DANGEROUS TRUTH about HGH ( Peptides & Mk 677) Side effects & Results

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
Eating unhealthy cerial and say that sarms are bad mmkay
ReplyDeleteTaking 12.5 mg for two weeks and with lgd4033 was hungry for the first few day’s but nothing out of control just a mouth watering feeling sleep great and feel well rested weird dreams that feel really real almost don’t even remember falling asleep I almost feel like taking this has positively affected my thyroid haven’t seen any fat loss because it hasn’t been long enough will keep it up and see where it goes
ReplyDeleteHi russo,
ReplyDeleteI have a question, can i take mk-677 on my fasts? as in a fast longer than 2 days and mk dosed 10mg every 6 hours or will the sensitivity issues be hard to deal with?
Thanks in advance.
Special guest : Correeyy feldmaaannn !!!-)))
ReplyDeleteCurrently 19 almost 20 and I’m getting growing pains in legs? Possible that my growth plates are not fully fussed yet?
ReplyDeleteWill mk677 cause nose and cartilage growth?
ReplyDeleteDoes mk anything bad to your brain?? If someone know I would really appreciate if he answere because I think that we have to be sure about everything
ReplyDeleteLearn some manners asshole!
ReplyDeletewhats in the bowl, milk? are you eating wheaties or cheerios? I can't tell..
ReplyDeleteMk677 good for 15yr old with height issues. Or deer antler velvet
ReplyDeleteso mk 677 is no good
ReplyDeleteI ran cjc w and wo dac also ipamorilin I blew up (mostly water) blood pressure sky rocketed 175/100-105 range and felt stressed TF out, usually happens about 2-3 wk mark, currently on about 3 month on hgh feel fucking great like I'm on a feel-good nootropic but no increase in muscle if anything really the only thing I notice is increased ability to multitask sence of wellbeing and libedo/performance. Anybody else ever run into this?
ReplyDeleteGonna pass on this video because I CBA to watch two morons talk about something they know shit about.
ReplyDeleteI recommend to ALL you people to read a few papers on NCBI on it, or consult a metabolic doctor (hint hint, there's one on Youtube that talks about this) and then make your own decision.
Please DO NOT listen to this bullshit
You couldn't put off eating until after the interview?
ReplyDeleteDude, nobody wants to watch u eat your cereal! If you are doing an interview, how bout show some respect to ur guest?
ReplyDeleteat 48 started MK at the dosage everyone is saying 25mg, hell i could not stop eating gain fat (yeah they say you won't but you do, water retention, pain etc...) lower dosage half 12.5 mg, hunger under control a bit of pain but i need to give it 3 months.
ReplyDeleteHigher dosage does not mean better. MK is suppose to be a long process not a 3 month cycle.
Thanks Ryan good info...
ReplyDeleteso mk677 is safe if i usefor 2 mounths
ReplyDeleteBeen taking mk-677 for 2 years straight. Doesn’t effect my sleep or hunger. I have always had a very high appetite anyway. Had slight water retention at first which settled down over time. It does help recover from workouts, injuries faster, with some strength gains. My broken leg healed considerably quicker than normally as pointed out by my surgeon. Blood pressure normal, insulin levels normal. Haven’t had any of the other sides mentioned in the vid. May not be for everyone but it helps me.
ReplyDeleteIsnt it that gh grows new cells, and that that might be a reason why you dont see muscle bulding effect so fast?
ReplyDeleteIndeed GH alone not worth.... But insulin to it..... Come on are saying that Trevor gives to hype to HGH and insulin when nowadays almost all bb grow like weed thanks mainly to those two? Check Bleu... Or Coach Steve... Come on...
ReplyDeletemk677 give me heart palpitations last half year. And them not go away. ive been use mk677 2-3 years.
ReplyDeleteLower jaw growth is a positive
ReplyDeleteCool information Russo
ReplyDeleteIdk how you only have 18.2k subscribers
ReplyDelete3 months after my first cycle and I’m currently on PP mk677 (12.5-15mg once per day ) and GW (10mg per day) for about 3 weeks I dose once a day which I’ll probably transition to twice a day I usually take it in the night time and I definitely feel it after ingesting it (I’ve done a cycle of test winny and anavar so I’m familiar with that enhancement feeling throughout my body) .... as far as my results so far I have gained strength at a fast pace, slightly more vascular , increase in cardio tremendously... I was skeptical at first because all the bad reviews but some of those accounts seem to be bogus and others expect it to be a wonder drug ... as long as you’re constantly training hard than the last time you’ll definitely get the results you’re looking for ... but on other note people think I’m back on test because they noticed that my body was more filled out due to the mk677 ... so overall I think they’re legit EDIT: yes I’m copying and pasting this comment to different videos with a relevantly topic to help other people skeptical of purchasing online peds/sarms from proven
ReplyDeleteIf I want to start mk677 , do I need to be cycling it? N how much calories (carbs, protein,fat) should I be consuming? N should I be taking any other supplements with that?
ReplyDeleteis Dssault labs a good source?
ReplyDeletehow would using peptides to grow taller work?
ReplyDeleteYou're really annoying. You kept interrupting the guy non stop. Horrible video, can't get much info from this non sense clip
ReplyDeleteIt likes a coin has two sides.
ReplyDeleteAlex is a kid!! LOOLL how on earth became an expert!!?? wtf is going on with kids these days!!!
ReplyDeleteLoosers with tons of BS
ReplyDeleteVery good video, more with Ryan & Alex on cutting and sarms.
ReplyDeleteReally? You couldn't fucking eat before you started recording? or after? And then the dude starts talking and 3 seconds into it you cut him off? Watch other people doing the same thing you're trying to do and copy what they're doing. Your shit is not working.
ReplyDeleteHey buddy just curious what are the half lives and time it takes for injectable lgd and yk11 to kick in are these best to take pre-workout
ReplyDeletegreat info😎👍
ReplyDeleteLast guy I would listen to about anything..Doesn't seem like the channel of an intelligent person