GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
#sarms #steroids #dangers
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I am not a doctor or nutrition professional, and do not provide medical advice. viewers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in guidance with their health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please talk to your physician/doctor. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. FDA Disclaimer: The advice & statements on this blog have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. Any information on this blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease ✪FOLLOW ME ON ▨✷INSTAGRAM✷▧: ⇝➤ @russolifts : ☽

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
Would Glo supplement work. It's for insulin resistance.
ReplyDeleteCan I still eat carbs while taking mk677?
ReplyDeleteThat’s on evolog? The GDA by evogen?
ReplyDeleteAnyone dose 10mg a day and have BG issues?
ReplyDeleteHow many slin pills a day when u wakeup?
ReplyDeleteSaved my life, bro. My rat tried mk for the first time yesterday and felt like his life was ending because of the glucose issue. Trying not to kill him before 30
ReplyDeleteDry lips meaning?
ReplyDeleteRusso bro thanks for the info was researching GDAs as a way to regulate blood sugar..did come across berberine, chromium and cinnamon..I intend to research a mk 677 this week but only to aid my overall health and workout at a steady 12.5 mg per day..what GDAs would you recommend bro?
ReplyDeleteI've been considering using MK-677 for a very annoying spell of tendonitis in my elbow. I hadn't read nor seen any of these warnings about blood sugar. I'm glad I came to this channel. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Now my next step is hoping I don't end up getting fake MK-677 in the form of pro hormones!
ReplyDeleteUh...Less than 2 minutes in and you're already wrong...MK 677 doesn't increase the number of GH secretion events.
ReplyDeleteWhat about cardarine? Would this help insulin sensitivity
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody know the shelf life of mk677? And roughly if taking 10mg daily what dose of slin pills to take? Thanks
ReplyDeleteAWESOME JOB BRO THANKSx10 just a quick Q when can i eat carbs again after MK677? Please reply ASAP 🤙🏻
ReplyDeleteThe advice you give is horrifyingly going to cause insulin resistance. Stop being a doctor dude you aren’t and what you’re saying is insanity.
ReplyDeleteYou’re going to kill people man
SHIT MAN, I just bought 3 bottles of mk677 to stay on it for like a year. This far I’m only doing like 1/4 the dropper once at night, so probably around 5-8mg. Now I’m questioning the whole thing. I eat a decent amount of sugar in the day (mostly sugar substitutes in coffee), but also do lots of cardio every day. Still worried about this though, may not keep taking the MK
ReplyDeleteif i take 10 mg every night empty stomach for 2 months i need to check blood sugar in such a small dose?
ReplyDeleteThis along with prolactin skyrocketing and causing no libido and sperm is a real issue esp if u build up to the 25 mg per day dose as in the studies. Having a bit of understanding of how gh works and grehlin it always made sense to me to use mk677 only during leaning out or doing fasting type stuff because those states already have u leaning towards better insulin sensitivity anyway. Plus gh and grehlin r up during those times natutally not when ur feasting and tryin to bulk. Trying to elevate a hunger hormone by fooling ur better to gain mass during a bulk gotta be a no no. Sending mixed signals bro the body well go outta wack and find ways to compensate n try to bring homeostatis
ReplyDeleteI started MK-677 five days ago, and all the side effects I'm experiencing (numb fingers, constant hunger, lethargy, etc.) are also side effects of diabetes. Getting a glucose monitor and berberine supplements tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteGreat vid. Thanks. !!!
ReplyDeleteWill my blood sugar be affected with 10 mgs of mk
ReplyDeleteThanks dude this was super helpful
ReplyDeleteLove mk-677. My blood sugar is a little high, but manageable. Still working at getting all the carbs and sugars out of my diet. Yes all!!
ReplyDeletePutting on some size there
ReplyDeleteI get my blood sugar throw way off from mk677 scary throw offs. But I can use food to adjust this.
ReplyDeleteDamn Russo! Your lab rat is running wild on youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
ReplyDeleteBro is on his bloat lord shit
ReplyDeleteCan 10 mg only mk667 for 6 months cause any insulin and blood sugar problems?
ReplyDeleteSo what amount of mk677 dose and timing you recommend if iam looking for fat loss ?
ReplyDeleteDoes fasting work for keeping your blood sugar low to manage the sides on mk-677? Like if you do OMAD?
ReplyDeleteDid u take mk677 by itself? Is that effective for an 8 week cycle or do you need to stack it with something else??
ReplyDeleteHow much did u take?