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Ask the Doc-How to use HGH properly while on TRT.

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH

A 45 year old French viewer asks Dr Rand for the best way to use HGH while he is on TRT.

Ask the Doc-How to use HGH properly while on TRT.

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH


  1. Hi,
    I have got puffiness under my eyes app.since I started taking HGH. Do you think that it might be related to that or would that be just a coincidence, please? Never had it before.
    Other than that I do not have any other side effects like wrist pain or joint swelling, etc.
    I am 40 now and my daily dose is only 1 I.U.
    Thanks a lot

  2. What is the fastest way I could get HGH

  3. super informational, i’m 20 years old live in Canada my doctors wouldn’t even look at me when i try to ask what’s going on with my body. i’ve been muscle wasting for three years trying to get back on track. i lost 60 pounds in 9 months before i started my journey trying to actually gain i’m 6’4” 160 now i was 210 & dropped to 145. i started hgh 20mg in the stomach fat yesterday! idk if it really works all that fast, it felt as my hormones were flooding my body & my muscles not feeling depleted. i’ve tried to diet to naturally gain i just haven’t had luck ether that or it’s real hard to stay on top of being able to afford enough food to stay on those levels. hoping that after this cycle i can return to not needing it & strictly speaking the diet & my body producing what it needs. i’m guessing i just need that boost from the under grounds.

  4. Jay cutler my man thanks for the info.

  5. I'm on a test 1100 mg and Deca 500 mg per week and im having problems in bedroom any suggestions?

  6. So what time stop eating before bed ?

  7. I heard somewhere that taking 2 days off cuts bloat and any adverse side effects also would combining sermorlin and mk677 be ok ?

  8. Did I get that right? Doc Rand said he wasn't into bodybuilding? WTF the guy looks bid and awesome... and of course very tan. California boy it seems.

  9. Is that echo charles behind the camera?

  10. but taking HGH while blood sugar is low would convert it into IGF1 which has insulin effect, and since theres nothing for your insulin (or the effect) to be working with you'd end up with building more insulin resistance
    would make more sense to keep low carb diet if dosing with HGH and doing it right after a meal or however long it would take for the HGH to hit when you need it

  11. Does shooting the injections into or near the joint that has arthritis help? I have been on generic HGH for a few months, body fat is down but otherwise haven't noticed much.

  12. How is that video excellent? The questions were quite clear. The answers included HGH approved or not approved in the States (no one asked), peptides and other things which were not asked. Helpful would have been to explain why exactly to take HGH in the morning (eg enhancing lipolysis even with workout after injecting) and wellbeing benefits like increased wound, joint, tendon tissue healing, skin quality increase etc.

  13. Body builders take HGH intra muscular because they say it releases faster into their system. Where subcutaneous is a slower release. Not sure if that's accurate or not.

  14. Can’t thank you enough for this series. Seriously they help me so much. So cool to hear info from a doc on this topic ☺️

  15. Absolutely blows me away how YouTube has influenced the BB industry, and all others I’m sure. I equivalently get as much or more critical knowledge from one vid like this than a month of finding and reading material about all these anatomy health n nutritional n growth Q & A’s! Dr Rand is THE MAN btw! Super appreciate his genuine tone in not talking down to us listeners! SOO many years and SOO many Doctors I have simply tried to better educate myself asking questions, but getting nowhere but treated as wasting their time and “sinful” I must be for even interested in the subject! I’m 44 yrs old. Been around weights sine approx 14 or 15 yrs old. Everything for me(NOT the smartest IQ guy btw, lol) was about trial and error, reading magazines and Arnold’s encyclopedia, etc, and still try make since of applying to anatomy when I was weak in that subject too! I’m sure so many can relate. Want show my support and why I literally value your videos and ppl like Dr Rand! I wish we had YouTube 20 yrs ago! OH THE GAINS I “coulda” had! LMAO! All the best. JTK

  16. Will taking HGH shots every morning, stop y
    (Shut down) your natural night time hgh release? Can peptides be taken at night to help your normal 1 am release??

  17. With all the respect,15-20 estradiol it is absurd! My libido was zero on that level! And 300-350 igf? This is already agromegaly!

  18. Yeah but mk is suppressive some of us don’t need extra test, I don’t wanna take test. I gain 30lbs and my face is puffy.

  19. Can u put HGH, tren and cyp in same injection

  20. The reason that people take 2 days off or one day off one day on. Is because of antibodies and more importantly insulin resistance caused by gh.

  21. Did he ever even answer the question? OMG

  22. Mk677 is way hard on the liver. I dont care what anyone says. I've used tren and had blood tests while on it with no liver issues. Mk677 blew my liver enzymes through the roof. I dont like the shit. Hgh is way stronger. In 4 days it had increased my strength on only 3iu a day. I dont buy this doctor's reasoning this time. If it didnt work they wouldn't be on it. It also adds newer muscle cells which test doesn't do. Then your test can activate the old and new cells.

  23. Hello, my friend is telling me that he does it every other day, 6 months on, 6 months off, for recovery and to avoid intestinal growth, does this sound right??

  24. Guys take a day off EOD or couple days a week to slow down Antibody production of non human hgh.
    vs just every day.
    Taking the same 30iu weekly - just breaking up the dosing !

  25. His joints hurt because he’s on armidex wtf people. I bet his estrogens 20 something.

    He wants to spend thousands of dollars on GH when all he needs is to drop the rediculous ai dose he’s on.

  26. HGH preworkout makes no sense to him?=???? WTF, seriously... :D what about fatburning properties... preworkuot is the BEST time! Also muscle sparing because of the cortisol inhibiting properties....

  27. No ansewers here just talk around it

  28. I want to have managed dosage of genotropin hgh by every month.. and my body weight is 64 kg... age is 25...

  29. surprised not one mention of insulin resistance
