30 Day Honest Review of Newulife HGH Gel Company Somaderm (2018) Worth It?

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
30 Day honest review of Newulife HGH Gel company Somaderm. Quick update. I’m on day 30 and I’m feeling a definite energy increase and I’m experience incredible sleep. No weight loss yet as I had expected. Hgh is a hormone therapy that takes some time to build up in your body. Human growth hormone is for everyone. Hgh for men and hgh for women. It does not discriminate. You can buy hgh straight from my website at www.rewindagingnow or join my team at www.rewindagingnow.com and secure a position for our launch at the end of July. Help me bring Somaderm to the market. FOLLOW MY JOURNEY!
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30 Day Honest Review of Newulife HGH Gel Company Somaderm (2018) Worth It?

GenF20™ Look Younger, Feel Younger, Stay Younger With HGH
Can you use this gel and take HCG shots? Do you think this would be an bad idea?
ReplyDeleteFollowing dilution nonillion times (literally) there is no actual HGH in this product. It is effectively water and oil and pysch from what I could find in the research and reviews. Buyer beware.
ReplyDeleteQuick update! I'm now 185lbs and holding strong. Check out my before and after here: https://rewindagingnow.com
ReplyDeleteYou look like shit. I was using Follistatin344 30mg and hgh 100iu and after 40 days I gain 17kg pure muscles and lose 8kg of fat... Your product is useless...
ReplyDeleteDude, you dream. Even before this stuff. Otherwise you wouldn’t be alive.
ReplyDeleteReally am amazing game changer!! Love this🙋🏼♀️❤️
ReplyDeleteScam, scam, scam!😡
ReplyDelete要做 Somaderm HGH 的朋友 可以 加我微 szuray 带你去大部队 在深圳和香港 辐射亚洲 加入我这边 你只要专注你的私边就可以开始赚钱了 公边有大队伍在做 一起合力 创造睡后收入
ReplyDelete华人朋友 加我微 szuray 带你去大部队 我在深圳和香港 加入我这边 你只要专注你的私边就可以开始赚钱了 公边有大队伍在做 一起合力 创造财富自由 购买网站 rac.newulife.com 可以联系我把你放在顶端位置 公边集合了许多大牛哦
ReplyDeleteSnake oil
ReplyDeleteShame on you
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ReplyDeleteCould this help with autism/aspergers syndrome?
ReplyDeleteThis guy sells it. Enough said. Remember this is a MLM company so these peeps sell it to you and make money and then they get you to start doing it and make a % of what you sell etc. Then you gotta recruit a bunch of people if you want to make any money, It''s your typical pyramid scheme.
ReplyDeleteGuess what I'm trying to say is don't go off anyone who is selling it, because they'll literally say anything to make a sale!! Go by people who have bought and tried it and is NOT trying to sell it to you but just giving an honest review. A lot of these people on these reviews, are also people selling it, so keep that in mind.
Out of curiousity, if you didn't have any benefits from it( but you are making money from the product) you would still sell it right? So it is a bit of an advertisement.. which in capitalism, people do everyday..(well a product that they don't use or believe in.. I'm not saying that this doesn't work at all..) I have heard wonderful things about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm merely pointing out that a review by someone not invested in making money by selling it would have a little more credibility with a review.( not that I don't believe your review)
My friend sells it and swears by it.
Also on one of the reviews, it said it wasn't fda approved? Is that true ? Can you show me a site which clears it?
ReplyDeleteThe product is FDA cleared. it has an NDC Code that archives it in the FDA database, that's not the issue. The BENEFITS that the product page lists are what aren't FDA cleared. The FDA cleared the product but for them to clear and approve the benefits that the company claims takes a lot longer and a lot more studies to complete and as of today most still aren't "FDA Cleared" However, the fact that this product has 90% retention rate and there are thousands upon thousands of testimonials about how amazing it is and everyone feeling the claimed benefits, id say its just a matter of time before the FDA catches up and agrees.
ReplyDeleteWill make your bodyfat drop to single digits no matter who you are or what you're eating. HAHA, what a complete load of horseshit.
ReplyDeleteWe are out of stock?
ReplyDeleteIt's NOT hgh it's somaderm which is derived from a plant. Real hgh can not physically transfer through the dermal layers as it's molecules are too large. This is the plant version and your paying a huge price that doesn't do what this assjack or the company claims it will do. It's a lotion that will have superficial benefits at most and can also possibly come with negative effects down the line. Agent orange took a while before most of the long term effects took hold and were noticed. Be careful with your health and your money.
Can you use this if you have had your thyroid removed?
ReplyDeleteIf the stuff is is good as people are claiming such as yourself. then why did the manufacturers set it up like a pyramid scheme? and as far as out of stock why so many people trying to sell it on eBay for less than half of what they paid for it.. I've heard some fantastic claims from people and how much money they made with this product. But the reality is the only way to make money is to keep signing people up as distributors I'm the only one making any real money is the guys at the top. Why isn't it just being sold over the counter at Walgreens or CVS
ReplyDeleteI bet I'm making more money than you
ReplyDeleteMy sleep and energy happened in the first couple days,,,amazing sleep and energy all day, no crashing late afternoon,,,scary stuff
ReplyDeleteThe pituitary gland can not make more HGH from anything synthetic, research it. There is ZERO HGH in that product, the DEA would put the owner in prison if because somatropin is illegal unless a prescription is written. Microdose its a farse!!! It's all water and I can prove it, reach out to me and i'll show you.
ReplyDeleteThat stuff is 100% garbage !!
ReplyDeleteCan you explain how this HGH product can be sold legally without a prescription?
ReplyDeleteThis guy is a Snake Oil Salesman running a pyramid scheme ... Honest review my a$$ ...